Friday, 20 November 2015


                      8 Health Benefits of eating Oats:

Oats is a complete food that is not only well balanced but also great to taste. It is a power house of
vitamins, proteins, minerals, amino acids, and essential fatty acids and if you are not having it then you are surely missing out on a tasty way to good health.

1.Reduces Cholesterol:
A soluble fiber found in oats called beta-glucan has been found to work effectively in lowering LDL or “bad” cholesterol level in blood without affecting the HDL or “good” cholesterol
level. Oats is also a rich source of Tocotrienols that affect cholesterol synthesis and reduces cholesterol in blood. Research shows that eating a bowl of oatmeal each day reduces the
general cholesterol level in blood by nearly 20%.

2.Controls Blood Pressure:
Although, high blood pressure itself has no symptoms, but it can lead to serious damage of the heart, arteries and blood vessels and lead to various other serious complications. But a
daily serving of oats rich in soluble and half soluble fibers helps reduce hypertension, high blood pressure and also the intake of anti-hypertensive medicines.

3.Protects against Heart Disease:
Study shows that oatmeal contains a unique antioxidant named Avenanthramides that prevents the harmful free radicals from affecting the HDL levels in blood, thereby reducing the risk of
coronary heart disease . In addition, the helpful phytochemicals called Lignans present in oats keep the heart healthy.

4.Protects against Cancer:

Although, oats doesn’t have the capacity to prevent cancer, but including it in your daily diet can significantly lower the risk of certain cancers. The antioxidants found in oats blocks
the harmful toxins also known as free radicals from mingling with the DNA cells that can lead to cancer. The high fiber content of oats helps cut the risk of colorectal cancer and the
lignans-enterolactone in particular protects against hormone related cancers such as, prostate cancer, breast cancer and
ovarian cancer.

5.Helps Weight Loss:

For those who are trying to lose some pounds, oats is a healthy addition to their diet. Oats being very low in calories (147/cup) does not add extra fat to the body and the high fiber content
in oats absorbs water and provides a high level of satiety helping stay full for a longer time and keeping hunger at bay. Research shows that a daily consumption of oatmeal also helps
prevent obesity and issues of excess weight gain in children.

6.Reduces Risk of Type 2 Diabetes:

Research shows that daily consumption of whole grains such as oats reduces the risk of diabetes by approximately 60%. It is also beneficial for those suffering with diabetes because oats
help stabilize the level of glucose in blood. The beta-glucans present in oats slows down the digestion process and extends carbohydrate absorption, thereby controlling fluctuations in
blood sugar level.

7.Improves Defense of Immune System:

The soluble fibers called beta-glucan found in oats enhance the defense of immune system against bacteria, fungi, parasites and viruses. It speeds up immune system’s response
to infections. It not only helps the immune cell neutrophils to locate the infected site more swiftly, but also helps eliminate the bacteria and heal the infection more quickly.

8.Reduces Asthma in Children:

Asthma is one of the most common diseases among children and more than 200 million people suffer from it around the world. A Finnish study of 1293 children has shown that early introduction of whole grains such as oats in children’s diet significantly reduces the chances of developing asthma.

that's all for today! 

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